About Us

Serving the Houston Area For Over 40 Years !

Fintastic Cooling and Heating is family owned & operated company
Fintastic Cooling and Heating was established because we realized people were having a hard time finding a quality service and replacement company they could trust.
So, for many years, they have been proactive in giving the community the highest quality heating and air Conditioning services each household deserves.
Greg Sr. was hands-on in everything, from technical operations to customer relations – always making sure that Every client is given satisfactory services at all times. Unfortunately, due to an unforeseen incident, Fintastic Cooling and Heating has lost the executive who built its roots and directed its growth. But even after Greg’s death, his legacy & integrity will continue with his wife, Lisa, and his son, Greg Jr. at the helm. After getting his HVAC license, Greg, Jr. is stepping up to join his mother Lisa in taking over the managerial responsibilities. Lisa and Greg, Jr. Want to thank everyone for their friendship and support during this time. Greg Jr. is determined to carry on His Dad’s top-notch service standards and preserve everything that makes Fintastic Cooling and Heating the best HVAC Service company in the area.
Fintastic Cooling & Heating is a proud sponsor of Gulf Coast Heat, the 2024 Southeast Houston summer Classic Champions!

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Meet The Team

Greg Brewer

Lisa Brewer

Greg Brewer Jr.

Ricky Gallegos
Why Choose Us?

If you’re frustrated by poor customer service, hidden costs, fake HVAC skills, or poorly-trained technicians, we can help!
We are a team of experienced and certified professionals who have mastered the art of quality heating and cooling services. Unlike other companies, we undergo continuous training and education to be in the loop with the latest advancement in the industry.
Ready for exceptional services? By actively taking part in the care of our customers we are confident that you will be glad you called us. Contact us today so we can work hard to provide you with the comfort you deserve.